"design is about giving the user total control"

Welcome to my Showcase!

Here are snapshots of curated projects that are not in the featured sections.

Who is Dazeign?

It's a brand name that I created for myself, absolutely nothing crazy here (or everything actually). Well, dazeign (pronounced as /dɪˈzʌɪn/) is the mix of my name (daze) and the word (design). Capeesh?😜

I am a Product Designer that specializes in using human-centred designs to create digital products and services that are intuitive, interactive, accessible and visually delightful. I have several years of experience working on different sectors like fintech, health, ecommerce and much more. I am also good with people & very easy to work with.

Currently, I work at Linum Labs with an amazing team and bring UX solutions to alot of Web3 products and upcoming blockchain projects. Asides that, I am putting my energy towards making the future of DAOs, NFTs, DeFi-products and other Blockchain products to be as accessible as possible.

When I'm not behind my screens, you can catch me playing basketball, video games, in the gym, listening to podcasts or music, or travelling.😌

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